Games in Education

Head of Minecraft Education at Microsoft Allison Matthews discusses how Minecraft helps students prepare for a future where interactions with AI and robotics will be the norm.

 Immersive Fitness in Supernatural

Supernatural Co-founder, CEO and CCO Chris Milk and Head of Fitness Leanne Pedante discuss how Supernatural is using VR and video game technologies to create immersive fitness experiences.

Science and Entertainment in Gaming

Akili Interactive Labs Founder and CEO Eddie Martucci discusses how a video game became an FDA-approved treatment for ADHD.

 In-Game Friendships

Jenova Chen, President and Creative Director, thatgamecompany discusses how players develop lasting and meaningful friendships.

Who is a Gamer?

Popcannibal Founder Ziba Scott discusses how anyone who plays video games is a gamer.

Why Games in the Classroom Matter

Head of Minecraft Education at Microsoft Allison Matthews talks about the importance of integrating video games into the classroom. 

Inclusivity in Fitness

Supernatural Co-founder, CEO and CCO Chris Milk and Head of Fitness Leanne Pedante discuss how Supernatural creates an inclusive fitness space for everyone.

Prescribing Video Games as Medicine

Akili Interactive Labs Founder and CEO Eddie Martucci discusses how prescribing video games as medicine will transform healthcare for patients.

The Future of Video Games

thatgamecompany President and Creative Director Jenova Chen describes a future where everyone is a gamer.

Defining Games

Popcannibal Founder Ziba Scott discusses what defines a game.

Closing the Digital Divide Through Games

Head of Minecraft Education at Microsoft Allison Matthews talks about the importance of making video games accessible and inclusive.

Human Connectivity in Virtual Reality

Supernatural Co-founder, CEO and CCO Chris Milk and Head of Fitness Leanne Pedante discuss the power of shared immersive experiences.

The Future of Digital Medicine

Akili Interactive Labs Founder and CEO Eddie Martucci discusses the potential of video games and digital medicine.

Games as an Art Form

thatgamecompany President and Creative Director Jenova Chen delves into how games are a unique and powerful art form.

Creating a Community of Kindness

Popcannibal Founder Ziba Scott discusses how his video game Kind Words is designed around creating an empathetic community.