ESA Statement on 2022 Special 301 Report

  • 04.27.2022
  • Statements and Filings

WASHINGTON – April 27, 2022 – The Entertainment Software Association (ESA), which represents the U.S. video game industry, today issued the following statement on the 2022 Special 301 Report released by the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR).

“We are grateful to Ambassador Tai, the committed staff at USTR, and their federal agency partners for their continued emphasis on the important role that a strong global intellectual property system plays for U.S. creative industries,” ESA President and CEO Stanley Pierre-Louis said. “Intellectual property rights remain fundamental to the development and delivery of innovative video games around the world.  IP rights support the industry’s high-paying American jobs and significantly contribute to the growth of the U.S. economy. The U.S. video game industry relies upon strong intellectual property laws, effective enforcement, and the removal of market barriers to protect and provide interactive entertainment to consumers at home and abroad.”

The USTR’s annual Special 301 Report identifies U.S. trading partners that do not adequately or effectively protect and enforce intellectual property rights or that otherwise deny market access to U.S. innovators and creators that rely on protection of their intellectual property rights.

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